Sunday, May 3, 2009

Adventures in Babysitting

9pm: Boy is dropped off.
9:15 Boy explores apartment with Friend Three, disapproves lack of children's DVDs.
9:20 Boy eats 1 bite of snack while drawing day's events.
9:25 Friend One, takes me into office to pray and discuss the 'plan'.
9:26 Friend Two, gives boy bath.
9:28 Friend Three, plays with iPhone.
9:31 Boy is dried and nightly hygiene ritual ends.
9:32 Boy checks clock.
9:33 Boy is settled into bed with two books.
9:38 Friend one finished first story.
9:42 I start 2nd story.
9:43 Boy is out like a light.
9:47 Friend One says prayer.
9:48 Boy rolls over declaring 'good night'.
9:50 Friend Two and Three depart.
9:50 Friend One and I collapse on couch.
11:00 Make salad, share with friend.
12:25 Friend One departs.
12:30 Log onto Facebook, browse for far to long.
3:00 Crawl into bed.
3:01 Think I hear boy waking.
3:02 Realize it's all in my head.
3:03 Remain unsure boy will sleep through night.
3:17 Fall asleep.
4:13 Wake up. Put a note on the door so John won't come marching in loudly.
4:17 Listen to outside noises.
6:14 Realize I have fallen asleep, when I hear John walk in.
6:15 Go to office to find John being quiet.
6:16 Return to bed, to go back to sleep.
6:17 John walks in with treasures from his trip to Shanghai.
8:00 John leaves for HQ.
8:05 Boy wakes.
8:06 Boy draws, and does not eat banana.
8:15 Boy abandons drawing, eats Rice Krispies.
8:32 Boy tries to find worthy DVD.
8:42 Boy gives in, learns to play war with a deck of cards.
9:45 Call John, request ETA.
9:52 Take milk from John to make pancakes.
10:35 Finish pancakes, wash dishes.
10:53 Dress Boy, dress me.
11:07 Watch John fall asleep on couch.
11:09 Put shoes on.
11:10 Leave with Boy
11:17 Get on Al Kail Road, take long way to Marina
11:31 Arrive Marina Mall, FIND STARBUCKS
11:42 Get back in car, proceed to Friend's house.
11:47 Text friend in parking lot.
11:51 Boy annouces need to use a toilet.
11:57 Sign in to lobby.
12:01 Ring door bell.
12:02 Send Boy to Toilet, enjoy entire afternoon with friend and playdate.
8:25 Leave Friend's house.
8:31 Put in music.
8:33 Have 'discussion' over which song to play.
8:34 Sing together.
8:37 Hear boy snoring.
8:57 Wake boy.
9:04 Arrive apartment.
9:08 Boy begins nightly hygienic ritual.
9:27 Boy is snuggled in bed, with book.
9:33 Boy is asleep.
9:34 Greet John, read thank you card.
9:36 Find and hook up laptop.
9:37 Waste loads of time on Facebook.
10:33 Boy's dad calls to check in.
11:16 Think about going to bed.
12:56 Start editing blog.
1:34 get hungry, consider snacking, think abotu going to bed.
3:10 Finish editing template, start new post...
3:50 Finish post.

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