Monday, April 27, 2009

A change will do you good....

If I sit at the computer too long, as I have done tonight, I end up inventing things to do... like change the blog template so that it is black and not white... (Now, a few days later... I've discovered that the black layout just wasn't doing it for me, so let's celebrate the change!) I'm so tired, yet I sit here trying to think off all the things I 'need' to do. I just found a very convenient and local photo shop to develope my photos... so I just had to organise some to take in. And even now, as I spew absolute nonsence and my head is starting to spin with sleepiness... I continue to type away... Alright then. No more excuses. I just want some feed back, is the black backgroud better or worse... or maybe I should ask if there enough people out there who actually read my blog to care if it is better or worse?

Eh, whatever.

Good Night!

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