Sunday, May 3, 2009

3 feet by 4 feet

This is it. I finally finished this piece after four full months. It now hangs in the dining room, next to our not so pretty water cooler. The irony. Really, I'm glad it's done and I'm ansty to begin the next one.

I mentioned in my last post that John was in Shanghai... But now that I've had a day to recover from the caos, I find that he brought Shanghai home with him! His bag was loaded with all kinds of shirts and what-nots. Next time, if there is a next time any time soon, I will send him with a list! So instead of getting all my stuff from Walmart on my next trip home... I'll just get it straight from China!

Eh em, of course. I'm joking. I take this 'carbon footprint' thing very seriously. Just today, I had had the bag boy put my purchases back into my cart instead of plastic bags, I had some re-use bags that would do the trick in the truck. So, just call me an environmentalist!

Save the Petroleum!

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