Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sandy Pants

So yesturday was interesting. Packed full of new things and new people. We went to church, and met a huge group of people our age. So we all went out for lunch, where we were able to get to know some of the folks we were sitting with, and needless to say, this group is from all over! During lunch, John was invited to go with a group of guys to the desert to ride 4 wheelers, and I was invited to go shopping at the outlet mall (which is more like a plain mall with sales). Then after we all met up and one couple's villa and we went out to dinner together and then we went to another couple's place to watch a movie. It was packed with activity, none of it was expected, but all of it was enjoyed.

The church was great too. It's non-denominational, but somehow it meets the needs from all kind of denominations. People were friendly and it was packed with nationalities from 30 countries. The preacher that spoke was from the US, but the head pastor is on holiday, as most people seem to be. All expats are required to leave for 30 days every year, so vacation times are long. I'm looking forward to the fall when everything is going full blast.

It's getting hotter everyday. Or rather, more humid. John took the truck to the dessert and it's now officially broken in. I think we've put 500 miles on it in the first 6 days! So things are just moving along. I've got an interview tomorrow... and we'll see if it meets our requirements... But, I have a feeling it won't. So I've got a plan B and I'm plotting a plan C. We'll just take it one day at a time, although, days seem to fly by!

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