Sunday, July 20, 2008

I was wrong....

I had a job interview today and I didn't think it was going to be any good. But it turns out the company has a lot to offer me. It's full time position, which is the only draw back, but it's such a dream job. I wasn't too keen on working in real estate back home, but the conditions of the market in the US made it easy for me to leave the industry. I don't know that I would have left it if things kept going well. This particular job is much easier then real estate back home, because I would be working for a developer, it's selling floorplans and hotels and units abroad! Plus they want me to sign on now as a sales agent and promote me to sales manager in a few months... which means I'd be making comission on my team plus a base salary. Not bad. It's seems that even though I only have a few years experience, it's as if I had a lifetime of it. They don't pay enough base salary to get people to move here that have experience, so I am very valuable to them in this repect. This puts me at an advatage.

I did look at one other company, A Century 21 office, but that is a whole different ball game. I am waiting for a call to go to a second meeting with them. But from what I already have learned it's just commission, no base salary and it's six days a week full time, full on runnning around and showing properties all over the city, which DOES NOT interest me! It's too much running around and in this heat and traffic I'd say, no thanks! I've also heard that the require a license here and in order to get that you need to go to school here and there may be some new laws requiring work permits... But I will still go and see if any of these details are myths. I also found out they have a branch closer to home, because if they didn't I would have already said NO WAY, it's too far and there is NO parking, which means you have to hike from a rock lot somewhee in the back of all these really old looking buildings, only to walk through construction and then to the office before and after every showing, on the other side of town! It took me 30 mintutes to get there, but an hour to get home. The other office is just a fifteen minute journey to the other side of the main road, which oddly enough is next to the building of the first job offer! So, well see who wins!

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