Thursday, July 3, 2008


I think I'm going to learn languages, as a means of killing time and self improvement. I'm going to start with Italian, since I know some... then, I will try Arabic, just makes sence to know the language to the land you live in. Then perhaps I'll try Hindi... Now, I wasn't thinking about Hindi, but now that I am here, it makes sence. There are soo many Indians here, it just makes sence to be able to understand them... especially in the Souks, where all the shop keepers speak Hindi.

Then I want to TRY German and French... last will be Spanish, since I won't need it much here. I haven't met anyone that speaks spanish here. But I know I will likely need it when I go back home. I also learned about Africons... that how you say it... but I've never actually heard it being spoken... I don't think I will ever have use for it, but the girl upstairs speaks Africons as a first language.

This is a little ambitious...probably too ambitious. But I'm gonna try to try...

Then maybe by the fall, I'll be hankering to get a job and all the language learning will make me more valuable... who knows... if I do good, I can try and become a translator.

I've been reading a LOT, that is partially the reason I haven't written so much lately. The other reason is that there really isn't that much going on. Next week looks promising though. We get our truck and I'm going to a book club. Plus I hope to have enrolled in one the language schools. John is still in the full motion simulator. He can't wait to be done with training. He is so ready to ride a bike of some kind and start making friends with simlar interests... He isn't usually friends with only coworkers. I don't blame him, all the shop talk gets old. He's got his nose in the books from morning till night, and of course when he takes little break, he tortures himself by watching motocross on youtube...

Today he was so cooped up he started playing hand ball in the living room... I'm sure the guy below us was happy to have all kinds of knocking going on.

Two days ago we went to Hyperpanda... and John got 3 polo shirts for 1.35us each. and two pairs of shorts for 7 bucks... he was sooo happy. So, that should tell you how bad John needs to get out and race something! It's funny in an amuzing sort of way... he's so ansty...does all kinds of goofy things. But he'll be flying and riding and working out full bore soon enough!

I hope I have enough energy to keep up.


mammamia said...

Ima so happy thata you wanna shpeeka Italiano. You realy gonna likka to shpeek anada linguagio o two, butta you gotta shpella da wordse mucha betta, ok. I lova you. Dissa isa you mamma

Anonymous said...

Hey girl... I am so glad that you are settled in your new home. I am back from Oklahoma and was glad to be reunited with "group". The girls miss you terribly! It's good that you have a plan to keep your mind busy by learning some languages. Italian is my favorite language. I know a little but it is hard to learn. I hope that you guys can find a party to celebrate the 4th of July. U guys are in everyones herts and prayers!
Natalie Lezama

Anonymous said...

Ok...try to make some sense out of this! You spell "Afrikaans" this way and Uncle Don says it is very easy learn because it is a faily primitive language. A variation of the DUTCH language of a couple centuries ago.
Learning another language is good to do but I think you need to learn Spanish as well since it is quickly becoming the second language here in America and of course, Italian should be one language that you should master because of your Italian family background. It helps to know something about the "Romance" languages ie. Spanish, French and always comes in handy!

You are in my prayers and thoughts. Stay well Tess...We love you.

Aunt A and Uncle D

Anonymous said...

Sent you an email on your yahoo id
