Sunday, July 6, 2008

Blah Z Blah

It's been a calm few days here on the home front. I've been down with some pretty bad headaches, so I haven't been feeling up to doing a whole lot. I went to the library last week and got six books... but then I proceeded to read two books online because there were the sequals to the one book and then I ended up not sleeping so I desided to return all the books to the library and only get one at a time... I have a big imagination, but three books in less then two days isn't wise for anyone. So, I have one book that I'm going to skim... for a book club this Tuesday and I will not pick up another book until August. I need to get out more. We get the truck this week, so hopefully that will throw me full throng into exploration.

I went to a church on Friday. That was certainly a different experience! It was really, really good. I was the only American and the only 'white person' there... and I say white because there were soo many colors there! I believe that there could have been 50 different nationalities in one room! The curch is on a large church campus. There are many meeting halls, so you have all kinds of different christian denomonations meeting in the various halls. Each church has a time slot... I believe that is because each hall has three churches assigned to it. They were VERY friendly! I was called three time before the service to make sure I was going and to check on my journey there. Once I got there, I phone the girl who I was to meet and she grabbed my hand and introduced me around. There was a lot of people in teal shirts, apparently they are the 'singles'. She had me sit in a chair until service started... all the chairs were pushed against the wall until after the music portion of the service ended. The music was really good too, which blew me away! I couldn't help but smile at the way the said some of the English words, but they sung with all their hearts! After the music there was a greeting to all us new people, then communion... then the preaching. I braced myself cause I had no idea what to expect... It was a very good message, and I was stunned to see how in depth they got.. I don't know why... I suppose I just didn't expect that from a church in Dubai. After service I was introduced to the two lead pastors and then they took me by the hand and got a taxi for me...but not before they posed in a picture with me! They were all so nice and completely thrilled when I said I would come back next week. John will come with me, since he is off... and then he will get to see it for himself. It was good to be with people that love God.

We went to see Hancock today. I was glad for the laughs. After these few days of being cooped up with book and headaches... Anyhow, like I said not much going on. We had no 4th of July events to attend... but oddly enough I met a flight attendant from England going to an Independance Day party... It struck me funny. Apparently a few of the American flight crew coaxed the others to join them .. and well flight crew doesn't need much of a push to have a party. Funny, the thought of Aussies and Brits and South Africans celebrating Independance day with a few Americans...

Anyhow, hope you all enjoyed your holiday weekend!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are looking brighter. I'm glad you got to go to church and are getting your truck! My weekend was at Steinhatchee with the ENTIRE Formoso family. Imagine that!

We miss you!!


BriPete said...

Sounds like things are going well and that you're getting out and meeting new people and doing new things. What a wonderful experience! Peterson clan is doing fine.. everyone growing like weeds and gearing up for school in a few weeks.

Know that we're thinking about you and missing you! -Bri