Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Little Reality Please

I mentioned last that I had some thoughts I wanted to share. But given the length of that last post, I chose to wait on sharing what I have come to realize. I've been here nearly a full month and I am fully settled into my new home. But that doesn't come with out some sadness, some worry and of course the uncertainty of what may come to the world in general. Over all, it has been a pleasant experience and getting to know this city has been an education as well as an amuzement.

The first realization that occured was finding that anything was possible here. If you could desire it, it could and would, be delivered. The second realization is how unrealistic the region is. No where in my life, have I observed how unashamed people are to demand what they want. But I correct myself, no actual demands are made, they just go about doing and getting what they like. I refer to all people, not just one particular culture. Since all things are accessible, people access what ever they choose, freely and with out regard for economy. It is easy, given the fortunate circumstance we now find ourselves in, that we would also indulge in the same attitude. Thankfully, the observation has been made early and I can now gaurd against falling into the wrong attitude. I knew that in coming here I would be among people that have no reservation in spending all their money. What I wasn't ready for was seeing exactly what people actually did with the money they earned.

A great many expats have come here to earn money to send to thier families. In general, these expats are working in service oriented businesses, where they have an EXTREMELY modest salary and short, infrequent visits home. However, there are a great many expats who work in the median range income that spend there checks entirely on drinking, clothes, and who knows what else, only to find themselves so deep in debt that they can not leave. And still there are others that make excessive amounts of money, who, are in constant demand of some fun tht is generally expensive... no matter what the amuzement may be. After all these observations, I feel that John and I have learned to wait on everything... and in time what is right is revealed. So we choose what to do with modesty, and stay humble so that we won't become so diluted that when we finally return home, we are dissappointed in what we may not have. We may not know when we return, but we do know that it would be a shame not to return better then we left, financially and in our character.

We have an opportunity to see the world and realize that each human alive faces the same challenges of making a better life for themselves and the ones they love. We can also observe how is easy it is to be sidetracked from such a noble goal in pursuit of fun or what 'we deserve for our hard work'. Our goal remains the same, to stay grounded and to not forget where we come from and who we are. We shoud all be in mind of that no matter where we are in the world, making a daily rememberance of how we got here and how we can be improved.

P.S. If you wonder why I don't 'sound' like myself, it is probably due the fact that I just finished my last Austen... and I am always effected by her writing, to the point that I don't even recongise myself. Although, I said precisely what I meant to say, so I see no reason to re-write it.

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