Thursday, July 24, 2008

A job. A what? A job. A what? A job. Oh a job.

Yes, I took a job. It's in real estate. Working for a Spanish Comany. I attending training today, which had to be entirely translated into english. As far as the sales pitch, I'm down with the program... but I'm not sure about a few other administrative policies. I don't officially start until August 1st... which is good, since I'm still not 100% on board. But now I really want to learn Spanish... and not the Spanish I know... European Spanish is very different then what I'm used to hearing. and the seem to slur more and use a lot of the 'th' sound. I still can capture a lot of what they say, but there are moments that I just stare blankly at the trainer. The sales team leaves much to be desired. They all have a 'It's not my job' attitude. Which, doen't work for me, or for a 'team' spirit. So I see that dynamic changing in the future. I've been in charge of people too long to tolerate bad attitudes when it comes to professionalism.

Anyhow, I'm a career woman. Again.

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