Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dealerships galore!

So I thought yesturday was going to be un-eventful... Friday is like Sunday here so not a whole lot is open. But John walked through the door at noon and I didn't know what to do with myself! I was planning on ironing and doing more laundry, I try not to go out on Fridays simply because the evening gets sooo busy. But John had a different plan.

He wanted to go shopping. Car shopping.

Yes, for me this is a dreaded task... only becasue of the accessive amount of time that is spent comparing, contrasting, wieghing and balancing... and of course the most dreaded part, which is dealing with a salesman. But the car market here is different then in the states. They know they are going to sell cars... they don't jump on you as soon as you walk in, becasue they understand that everyone is doing the same thing.. comparing, contrasting... yadda yadda...

Before we went out we did our final online analysis... Naming out all the ones we've considered and ruling out those that won't fit in the car park. The spaces are very small and the level up ramps are not easy on turns...So we have to keep size at the forefront of our mind. We ruled out Landrover for 2 reasons, 1, They cost waaaay more here then they do in the states, and 2, Fiberoptics were not intended for 129 degree heat. So our plan was to go to these major car companies... Volvo, Honda, Toyota, Jeep and BMW.

So around 3pm we got into a cab and told him to take us to the Jeep dealer.... Unfortunately, this cabby wasn't really sure where that was, so we had to take the long way around. But finally we got there. These dealers boast that they have the largest selection.. and they do... just they are all underground! Or at the the showrooms have the basic collections and then you have to see where your car really is. This is the time of year when they don't sell as much, because people are headed out on summer vacations, so they tend to hold off on putting in big orders. Anyhow, that's not important. We start with the Jeep dealership, because I've had one before and I was totally please with it. Plus, John wants to see this new m38 something or other that has a ridiculous amount of horse power and can go from 0 to 60 in less time then a Porche Cheyenne. we quickly learned that the new M38 whatever can not have a hitch becasue the exhaust pipe comes out right in the center line... so with that one off the list, we went upstairs to check out Laredo, Limited, Patriot and Wrangler. They even got me over to see the Dodge Durango... which is very cost effective, but too big to fit in the car park. Plus, we don't need 8 seats... we don't have a family yet, and to be honest I don't plan on shuffling large amounts of people around.

So back to the Laredo... Silver, grey interior, ability to put a tow package, rust proofing, scotchgaurding, sits high, safe, durable, plus parking assist. Great value. Same as what we'd pay back home. Then we say... okay we're gonna take this one almost for sure, but we still want to go see some others to make sure. So, we walk to the Honda dealer. Yeah, NO! First the MPV is the only vehicle that comes close to the jeep and the price is vague. Put that with the fact that no one approached us at all. John didn't like it anyway. Even though Honda makes a good car, it's not seen as prestigious here... Toyota is the bad boy of the Middle East... all the taxis are Camrys... but we didn't go to Toyota. We did go to Volvo. Nice, very nice. XC90, like the one Joe and Niki have... RED ONLY. Plus they were also way more then what we'd pay in the states... It would be cheaper to buy one in the US and ship it here... minus the hassle of the actually trying to buy a car out of the country. We looked at the Wagon, comfy, but no. S40? Too low to the ground. So we nixed Volvo. We talked about going over to Toyota.. but let's face it we already knew we wanted a Jeep. So we go talk to our man, and we ask to test drive. So they pull up with a limited and they only have a limited to test drive... so we go. John loves it. The limited had all th bells and whistles... leather, sunroof, audio video display, ipod hook up, yadda yadda... So now, we are both thinking limited is they way to go. We get back to the dealership and John goes to take one more look comparing the two. While he is over there, he meets a couple that is also looking and of course they strike up a conversation. The woman reminded John that we would probably have children, and those children would probably spit up or drop milk or what ever and our nice-enough-cloth seats would forever smell like sour milk and stale cookies... So when John walks back over, he is settled on the limited 4.7. I'm happy that he's happy.

Now, you may not think this car buying experience is a big deal. And for me it really isn't a new experience. I've had 3 new vehicles in my driving history. John, however, has not. This is his very first brand new vehicle ever. So, our man hooks us up with Silver Limited 4.7 with rusproofing, tinted windows, exterior and interior protection... (Exterior protection here is awesome, for one whole year all you do is 'rinse' the sand off the car and boom! Showroom shiney! It's a must with all the dust!) Now we have to do all the back work... insurance, HR has to give a letter and we need a fleet number and chasis number for the discounts, there's a bit a run around to do with everything here...which is fine as long as it gets done properly and in time. We give the man 1000 Dirhams and we are now almost proud owners of a new car!

Then, they drive us to Fastival City where John gets his fix on Mexican at On The Border. Yes, we have American chains here. Unfortunately for me, that means I will have to eat mexican, even though we are here where you can get any kind of regional food (middle eastern and asian) for soo little... American Chains are all on the higher priced side. I had steak.. just because it was grilled.. and you know how much I love the grill. But john had a tradidtional Mexican dish.. and it's just not worth the money you pay. But Mexican is not popular here. It's flavorless compared to Middle Eastern food so I can understand why they wouldn't be super keen on it. Plus it just sits in the belly, because of all the cheese...blah.

So, that's my take on car shppoing and Mexican cuisine. We went home after dinner becasue it was getting late. Plus we had to wait about 20 mintues for a taxi... those days will come to an end shortly, thank God.

I do want to add something. I just want you folks back home to understand that although I am blogging and sharing our daily experiences, and it sounds like we are having a blast... I am still very concerned with what is going on back home and I am paying attention. We are fotunate to be here, now having the abilty to save money for the future for when we come back. That is something we have never had the oppotunity to do because of poor choices or just because it cost so much to live. In any case, I don't want anyone to feel like we are just living in a fantasy land over here. We have to work harder to keep our heads on straight and to not get carried away by what a new place has to offer... It doesn't matter where you are, you can lose focus. We have learned so much over the last 8 years, so we feel it is very important to stay level headed and make smart moves. Really and truely, we are doing very well, but that can be attributed directly to our faith in God. Who sustains us and gives us peace. Even when I'm feeling nervous or scared I have to remember that He has control and if He can keep the oceans from rising, and the sky from falling then he can certainly sustain me and John where ever we may roam. Despite the sad situations peple are facing back home, we have to remember that God is in control, and He will never leave us or forsake us. Please, take that to heart over anything I say, trust in God, and he will direct your path. And that's the Word.

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