Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day

Well, today is Father's day and well it's tough to be away from my dad on a day like today. I love him so much and I can't believe I am this far aawy from him. It's not the first time I've have been away on father's day, but it is certainly the longest distance. I pray that he doesn't over do it working so hard, but I feel like he couldn't stop if he tried. What are you gonna do? They aren't children are they, yet for some reason as we get older we have to scold them more and more to take it easy.

Today didn't feel like father's day here. Everything is advertised, but since the weekend falls on Friday and Saturday, everyone celebrates on Friday.'s gonna take some getting used to.

We bought some dishes and flatware today. Pretty cheap, but it doesn't look cheap, and that's the kind of deal I like. But at least now I can make dinner and serve it... before I would have to wash the dishes I used during the preparation in order to set the table.. and that doesn't work well when you have company. I also got some new slippers... comfy, orange, non slip. We went to Spinney's... a small one and I had to leave John at the mall to go to my physio appointment. That went well... but it's spot treament... I wish it was a full body treatment, but no. Then I had the taxi driver ride down Jumiera Beach Road so I could find the Bead Palace. It was all the way down in Jumiera 3... in a large villa. It's an ok place, but I'm still going to have to get my stuff from eBay and probably have stuff shipped from the states. I'm glad I brought what I had though. The lady that runs the place didn't seem like she wanted to be here. She reminded me that there is a midnight flight to the states eery night... I thanked here and said that so far I had no plans on leaving. I was spoiled in NSB with my bead shop. Snookie has all the good stuff.

I met a woman from Thailand, she is also a pilot's wife and we had a good chat by the pool tonight. She has been here two years and gave me lots of pointers. She is also going to teach me how to make some Thai food... and I will teach her some Italian. Her husband is English, and he is really nice. We plan on getting together soon.

Well doesn't seem like there was a whole lot going on today, yet I'm fairly tired. John is off for the next three days, so I'm sure I'll have much to report about. When John has off we can bang out a lot of activities...

I sound bored.

I watched Madea's Family Reunion last night... and now I got 'Heller' on the brain, but no one here get's that. I suppose that if you haven't ever seen it, you won't get it either.. but now that I mentioned it, aren't you curious?

Anthony the Life gaurd showed me some magazines from Sri Lanka last night... It's amazing! You can build a mansion for pennies... Everything is very cheap there.. so now I understand why there are many Sri Lankans here trying to earn money her in Dubai... When they go home they are like millionares.. but only after they have spent many years away doing menial labor or minimum wage jobs. Some are fortunate enough to get jobs flying as cabin crew.. and then it becomes worth it. It's amazing though... I never had a desire to see Sri Lanka... but now, I think I'd like to visit. That's one thing about being here, you get a better grasp of what is out there to see, and learning about the history of a culture or nation becomes easier. I wish I was more understanding of that when I was younger... but I doubt I would've listened if anyone told me. Hindsight is always 20/20.

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