Thursday, June 12, 2008

Interviews, deals and therapy....

Today, well to say the least, it was very interesting. But you know by now I can't possibly have so little to say about anything. So here it goes.

After waking up later then usual... 9am (I know, some of you can't believe 9am is late for me) I was greated by a skype call, It was John's dad. It was great to talk with him and we were both excited to try out the webcam... now that high speed is installed it works great. He also gave me some good advice about the meeting I was going to have today concerning a real estate posistion... but it was very late for him, so we cut our chat short. After that I grabbed a quick snack and started to get ready. I must have tried 10 different outfits on... and yet I still am not happy with what I chose to wear. Mostly because I now have two blisters... one on each of my big toes. I simply can't understand why shoes seem to be comfortable in the store, but they never work out when you actually have to wear them in real life. So, Sue, if you are reading this, the black kitten heels that we got that day... yeah, they are now resting eternally in the back of my shoe closet. What a waste! Perhaps, I can find them a new owner... I can't bare to start a shoe cemetary here in our new place.

Anyhow, back to the main story. Finally, after getting ready and preparing my resume, I set out to Marina Dor Real Estate... a company based out of Spain. It's in this boutique shopping mall about 500 yard directly across the main highway... Unfortunately, in order to get there you must go through a series of lights and round abouts which took about 30 minutes. I learned about some odd driving tips from my aritist nieghbor yesturday, she explained that even though we have yellow lights here, we are to stop when the green light flashes for the third time.. then it flashes one yellow then it goes red. If you break this rule, you can expect a fine when you renew your license, or, you may hear the familiar sound of sirens come up behind you. (which, on another note, it's nice to know that there is something familiar.. even if it is sirens like the ones in the US. Those European ones really annoy me... you know the ones Im talking about... Breeeeeh Reeeeah)

Anyhow, after the short but long trek the taxi dropped me right in front of Mazaya Center... at a store called Pier Imports. Not Pier One... no, no. Pier Imports. SWANKY! All kind of unique housewares. Although, I did not stay long to browse and price items... I was on a mission. After wondering through the center.... I finally stopped to ask where I might find Marina Dor... four feet to the right and there it was... I felt a bit stupid, but I wasn't expecting it to be an open air office in the middle of the mall. I walked in, and almost immediately Mayet, the women I spoke with over the phone greeted me. She sat me down at her desk and we proceeded to have a quick overview conversation regarding the company and real estate in general. Then she introduced my to Helene. She is the boss... and we had something in common. Would you believe that Helene spent 10 years in Orlando selling real estate and only arrived in Duabi 3 months ago? Seriously, could the world get any smaller? We then had a lovely conversation about the Dubai market and her company. She expressed that she had already filled the positions she needed to fill, but she really thought that since I have so much experience I should give a few other leading companies my resume as well. She also wanted me to give her and electronic version so she could pass it along to a friend who is looking for someone with my type of experience. However it would be in the interior design field. Strange connection, but I'll take it!

She wished she could place me in her company, but I am glad she wasn't able to. It's a boutique product. They are a developer so they only sell their own properties. Unfortunately, they don't have any properties here in Dubai just yet. So their sales focus is global... a market which I know nothing about. Not that I couldn't learn. But still, I believe there is a good reason that this happened.

After my meeting with Helene, Mayet took me for some coffee. She is Phillipino and a lovely woman. She has been in Dubai for 5 years and this is her first time working since she has been here. Although she spoke english fairly well, I fear I had to guess my way through some of the conversation. I gathered by what I could understand, that she has recently separated from her husband adn is now facing the challenge of living on her own in a foriegn country. Unfortunately, you must jump through many hoops here to have the proper work releases, so I imagine she is thrilled to have a position with Marina Dor.

After a quick coffee, I strolled (well, I should say I limped... because at this point those shoes were rubbing me the wrong way) over to Homes r Us. A store which I thought at first sold accessories only... then, after looking up and across, I realized it covered every aspect of setting up a home. A to Z I could find it there. The prices were AMAZING!!! I browsed mostly, but I did manage to pick up a few things. 134 Dirhams... I giggled at the cashier desk when she told me how much it would be. She asked why I laughed and I told her that I had just did the calculation from dirhams to dollars... and it came out to be so little... $36.50. Amazing. Just the towel that I bought would have cost $25.00 back in the US! There are deffinately some things about this place that I love, and finding a deal is one of them. If we had taken the unfurnished option, I could have easily spent the allowance filling up with great buys from stores like this. A full on ding room table with 8 chair and a leaf, real wood, sturdy and beautiful... $989US. Absolutely crazy! I will be sure to go back there when it comes time for linens, they have a great selection and the prices just can't be beat...but give me some time and I am sure I will find another store that can do better.

This center also has a small Spinney's, just big enough to carry a little bit of everything. Perfect for a quick trip... despite the traffic. I couldn't wak around much more because at this point I was wanting to throw my shoes into traffic. I had to wait for a taxi, and that took... well longer then I'd like, but it wasn't terribly hot today... 85 I think.

John was home when I arrived, but there was no time to waste. I immediately got online to find Better Homes, one of the companies Helene mentioned. I read all about them and then I proceded to register. everything here is a bit different, even online job applications. It took me two hours to go through it all. They need everything here... passport scans, pictures, drivers license scans, visa details... so much on top of the regular work experience and education. It's quite an application. I had letters or reccomendation sent to me from two places back home. So now, I suppose I wait to hear from someone. Better Homes manages the building we live in, so I am hoping that will help me.

After all that, we stepped out for dinner... Not far, just the coffee shop in the building. It puts the Boston Bean to shame. The food is great.. the service, first class... and the coffee... well, it's so good, I'm not going to get a coffee machine for the apartment. AND, to top that all off, they deliver to your door. So really there is no reason to buy a machine. Immediately after dinner, I went to the pool to work on Anthony's shoulder. Anthony is our life gaurd. He is on duty everyday from 8am to 8pm and he also serves as a trainer in the gym and swim coach. He mentioned that he injured himself while working out the other day so, John hinted that I may be able to help him. So here I am, armed with baby oil... of all things, rubbing out the rotator cuff of a Sri Lankan life gaurd! All the spectators were ooooing and aaaahing over my work and I know if I had my table I could easily be busy all day. There is an office that I am going to inquire about.. Maybe the building manaer can help me get permission to use it for a company only massage clinic. Who knows!

So today may have not been as exciting as you may have thought by my opening statement. But the potential is certainly there. I look forward to what will happen over the next few days. Let's see what door will open!

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