Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Where is Dubai? I can answer that.....

I've posted this map of the Middle East so that you can see where we will be in relation to everything. The UAE it outlined in red. If you haven't done any research on Dubai or the UAE, you really should.
Anyhow, it's been a few days since I last posted any news but, not a whole lot has changed. John completed corporate inductions and has taken many tests. He's also started CBT (computer based training) and he seems to like the fact that he can study and learn at his pace. He is a fast learner and does not like wasting time. So, I think it's a good solution for him.

He's gotten our marriage lic. stamped by the embassy and now there is just one more government department that has to stamp it before he turns it in on Wednesday. Once he turns it into the company, they will process my visa and I will get my departure date. I don't foresee being here more then two weeks at most. In the mean time John has been using his time studying and excersizing. He says he runs to a lot of places when he has small errands to do. He really does like it there and I'm believe I will too.

In a couple of days he will move into our apartment. I'm am excited to see what it is going to look like. He's already told me about it, but until I have a visual I just can't grasp it. Not that I am worried, I'm just excited to see where we will be settled in for a good while.
Thanks for checking in on us. I have heard from several of you how much you enjoy the blog. I'm glad to hear that people are interested. Please leave comments so that I know you have been here! And once again thanks for your support!

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