Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Visa Is In!

Well folks, it's almost time for me to say goodbye. My visa has been processed and now I am waiting for my flight date, which could be anytime next week... Tuesday being the day of preference. John will know for certain on Sunday. If I leave Tuesday, I won't get there until Wednesday evening, which would be great because John has Thursday and Friday off. He will move into our place on Monday, after he takes his airlaw exam.

He went to see the apartment a couple of days ago and he said the furniture is exactly like the stuff we saw on the tour when we went in March. I'm glad of that. I liked its simplicity, it's what I would have chosen if I had to pick it myself.

This picture is one that I took on the tour... so there are other people in it, but of course John is the one laying on the couch, which he approved. That's not how our apartment looks, but it will be similar. Once I get there, I will take pictures of our actual place.

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