Saturday, August 29, 2009

Reverse Culture Shock

It does exist. Two weeks ago I returned to the US for an undisclosed amount of time and I have discovered that the reverse culture shock that people told me about does exist. It's not the smae when you visit... but when you start living life like a normal person, you can really see the differences.

While my friends in the Sandpit are experiencing ramadan, I am experiencing high humidity and nationwide back to school campaigns. I'm actually sad to be missing it, it's a puzzle to figure out where to eat and how to get on with doing the daily chores with the handicap of not eating or drinking in public. And it's a triumph to find a new way around the challenge. While living in Dubai isn't everyone's cup of tea, I did, and still do like it. For all it's unique qualities and even some of the frustrating ones, Dubai showed me a world I would never see anywhere else.

So, I'm sad to say I won't be blogging from Dubai for an undisclosed amount of time. But it doesn't mean the adventure is over. I don't really know what it means, let's just hope it's not always that way.

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