Sunday, July 19, 2009


Went for my first ski lesson this past month. Sorry, just one picture, since my camera has kicked the bucket! I did pretty good for a girl who does't have a clue about skiing and can't take the cold for very long. It was a nice break from the heat though. Nothing like doning some snow gear in 100 degree weather and walking through one set of doors into freezing temps! It's still kinda surreal to be in a winter wonderland with spectators wearing shorts and t-sirt staring in from the various windows. John and I had a great time learning the basics of skiing... well.. mostly it was the basics of stopping and getting back up! Anyhow it was a great experience, one I hope to repeat in the near future.

We are in the throws of the summer here in Dubai, and the heat is relentless. The summer exodus has lessen traffic signifigantly and the malls are littered with children at odd hours. Prices on groceries have surged upwards to make up for the loss I'm sure, but otherwise things are going at the normal pace of light speed in our lives as usual. John is just completing his 3rd paper for his Master's course and is getting ready for a special trip to pick on an airplane. I've been working on getting thinner and tanner and it's going fairly well. I'm in the midst of two more sets of paintings... inspiration comes and goes as it pleases in Dubai.

Things in life are never as settled as they may seem. From one day to the next I can conclude that we have no idea where we will end up... and all we do know is where we've been. The past isn't something you shove in a drawer and forget. It's something you should pull out and look at, and think about how to make the future better, how to make others happier, and how to become the person God wants you to be. Ultimately, what we do with the wisdom we learn is imperative to who we become.

You can write down your plans, but God can make the wind snatch that paper from your hands! That's a paraphrase of Proverbs 16:9. That can be applied to almost any situation, personal, business, economical and world wide... I just wonder how long it will take for all of us to wake up to it.

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