Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Reminder Days

There are random days where the reality of where I am hits me. Today I was in a part of Dubai I had never been to. It was 'labor camp central'... which surrounds a cemetary... near sewage dumping grounds... yeah. Totally, NOT COOL. Although it was the middle of the day and most all the laborers were off working, you can still feel the intensity of their situation. Balconies over flowing with washing... now covered in sand, tiny windows, unkempt looking buildings, desserted areas with little around but sand lots and a tire landfill. I'm unsure how these men live in those conditions, I'm unsure how they endure with the prolonged separation from their families... It's a sad, sad reality... and that reality is how this city has become... well, become. Right now, as I sit at my desk and look out the window I see 22 high rises... not to mention all the ground works and the metro and the roads... all built on the backs of these men with-in the last few years. Most of the ones I can see from this view is less then 10 years old. Actually, those 22 high rises have been going up with in the last 2 years... maybe less.

So today Dubai isn't all bling, despite the jewels, gold and all the oppulence I see. Today, Dubai, is a land that can only produces more land... but no fruit. I hope that while I'm here, I can do all the cultivating the God has commissioned me to do. So, even on the clear days, when the shadows of Duabi aren't seen, I can still serve the purpose I was created for.

Mark 16:15

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