Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome 2009

So on this, the first day of 2009, I find myself sitting in the office of our 45th floor apartment with the Gulf in my line of sight, John napping in the bedroom, and a full year of dates to fill on my calendar. One year ago, I had a hint of what might be in 2008, oh how little did I know. So as I reflect back over the last 365 days, which included a new career, moving, selling, moving, moving, and moving, along with a job change, international move and of course starting a new life in a new country. And, who can forget the presidential election, economic crisis, the advent of the 'carbon footprint' and other world issues that splashed the headlines daily across the world? Then, I think about God's grace through it all and how He has kept us going, here in Dubai, and back home. His plan, His time. It still amazes me that He keeps the sea from overtaking the land, brings blue to the sky, and warmth to my face by the sun that shines according to His command. How great is our God!

This past holiday season has been jam packed with 'holiday like' events that would put even the most humbugish types into the Christmas Spirit, yet for me it was a very different holiday then I'd ever known. Aside from the Christmas Play, the REAL tree (yes, they have real Christmas trees in Dubai) the obligatory 'white elepahant' Christmas parties and of course the traditional Seafood Christmas Eve, hosted by yours truly... This year's holiday season was neatly packed up in a corner of every house, shopping center and mall. It wasn't the usual swirling of constant Christmas music, or holiday shopping sprees, or even all the holiday sweets and goodies we tend to consume in mass quantities. It was, a straight line, connecting each event, with a string of unfamiliar faces and places, insinuating that we have just experienced some new traditions set forth by the nature of being in such a place as this.

Ok, so I will stop trying to philosophical and just give it to you straight up.

When we got back from the states on December 3rd, we learned that the economic crisis had finally hit Dubai. A few people we know lost their jobs and one of the leading development companies laid off 500 employees and real estate rates dropped over night. (Boo!) John also started his 'reserve' schedule, which meant nothing we would plan could be set in stone, since the possibility of getting called out was always lurking about. (Boo)2. He also had his 6 month line check, which was quite important in determining if he gets to keep his job. Oh, and he got his schedule for his MBA program, which starts in January and he attend the MBA Orientation. We celebrating National Day of the UAE, by spending the Day in Safa Park with our care life group and introduced those of foreign extraction to the American tradition of Smores! Then there was a matter of finding a tree, which John insisted on waiting until after his line check to do. Then the planning of the ‘on again off again’ Christmas Eve dinner, which would be the first I'd ever host.Also, the producers of the play at church were still looking for 'scene changers' so I volunteered. Then the white elephant party and two other gift exchanges that were planned nearer to the last minute then I'd like. We also went to the Snow Park at Ski Dubai with our Canadian friend, which did make it feel a bit more like winter. John was home for Chirstms Eve and Christmas Day, and he was only called out three times the whole month! I was also delighted to finally get the results from my pre-vacation medical exams to find out that I can be easily cured of the PCOS with a small dose of a common non-harmful medication. Throw in one night of baking cookies, one day of receiving the boxes we'd shipped from Florida, one day of organizing the stuff from the boxes shipped from Florida and of course the completion of my third painting... and you can say we had a full and productive month! Whew!

So, needless to say, I’m ready for 2009.

Here are some moments we captured on film…

"Carols in Dubai" Cast and Crew

Our REAL tree all the way from Scandinavia!

The completed painting

At the Snow Park in Ski Dubai at the Mall of the Emirates

Making Christmas Cookies

The Dubai Mall Christmas tree, which can't fit in the lens!

The Christmas Eve Crew

The Priceless, Thai and Philipino Choir singing Christmas Carols at the Dusit at Christmas Day Brunch

Post Christmas Shopping at Dubai Mall with John

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