Saturday, December 13, 2008

Only in Dubai!

So sad that I didn't have my camera with me when this happened... So John and I are driving to the grocery store behind a pick up full of goats (which was camera worthy also). We were just coming back from doing paperwork at HQ, and there on the major highway, going against the flow of traffic is a police vehicle (a BMW SUV,BTW) weaving in, out and around traffic... We saw the lights on top in enough time to slow down, but when we did slow down, we saw what they were chasing.

A bull.

Yes, a bull was loose on the main highway going against traffic, and trailing behind was a two un-armed cops in an SUV on thier cell phones trying to figure out how to catch a loose bull! I laughed out loud so hard! JOhn was anxious to get away, because you know, bulls, they live to ram into things! So, I never did find out what happened, but I had a good laugh over it!

Note to self *ALWAYS* have camera on hand!

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