Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Randomness is how I work best.

August 4th: I don't remember.

August 5th: We scheduled flights for my parents to visit in January. I think we went to festival city and found a cool pair of surf shorts. I went swimming... and practically passed out because I'm completely out of shape. Then I made a salad, and then I went to group with John where we met some traveling Americans who are trying to figure out where they want to live...

August 6th: Wished my brother an early birthday. Saw John off to work. Cleaned like a crazy woman. Ordered in Nando's fantastic Lemon and Herb Chicken. Got into to bed at 10pm to wait John call from Birmingham, where he was spending some quality time with Uncle D and Steven. Somewhere in this day I swam.

August 7th: I woke up with a really, really stiff neck and my shoudlers hurt. I know I swam in the morning which did not help my stiff neck and shoulders. After, I went to City Center to try to get my glasses redone. It was a dud of a visit... The Optologist rejected my eyes and sent me to my doctor to see if I could get an Opthamologist who could possibly give me an actual prescription, and then, the 'eye glass people' will re-do my new glasses. Post eye glass fiasco, I tried to get a neck and shoulder massage, which was really, really bad. I was so dissappointed by the therapist that when I got home, I wrote a 'book', an email... to the DOH about how I think I could really be helpful in this field if they would just give me a license. Eh. I called to make my doctor's appointment for my eyes. Then I went to Dinner with a friend, we had Chow King! It was good... John got home at 2am.

August 8th: It took a long time for John to wind down the night before, so we both slept in and missed church. I made some sandwiches and then we went to the grocery store and purchased all the goods required for the dinner party we we throwing that evening. After the quick shop I was tied to the kitchen until about 6:58 when I quickly changed and greated our guests. We had a wonderful time and all were satiated.

August 9th: Watched 3 movies... and ate leftovers. John studied.

August 10th: Watched a couple more movies... John studied some more. Watched a 'shamal' come through Dubai. Made chicken cutlets. Anthony and his wife/girlfirend (not sure on this) came over for tea.

August 12th: Met the doctor, who scolded me for not going to see a proper opthamologist every year. But at least, after his scolding he gave me a referral, and then proceeded to give me directions... none of which I wrote down. Ran back home and picked up John and went to headquarters, booked flight for John's folks in February. Made an Ikea run. Met up with Dave, snacked on Beruit. Shopped fruitlessly for shoes. Watched dave pick out an iron. Dropped off the boys, went to the grocery store, came home, collapsed, got up, made dinner, washed dishes, put away stuff... and watched a movie.

Yes, even I can be quite boring.

Which just proves that life, is life, no matter where you are. You have boring weeks, insignifigant appointments, dinners and errands. It's not the end of the world to be normal.


People that drive monster trucks like they are tiny sports cars are dengerous.

Optometrists, from any country, know jack diddly hoo haa.

Directions are never easy.

Never lend ALL your tools to anyone at one time.

Always check with your spouse before inviting people over, especially if the invite is vague.

Just because people are from the same country, doesn't mean they will automatically get along.

Rugs that shed a lot in the begining, are not worth buying, because they NEVER stop sheding.

If you like somthing, be sensible... and don't express an overly outward showing of love for it... because it is at that moment, that you will accidently drop it and watch it break into a million pieces.


Anonymous said...

Girl... your blog is hilarious!! I am happy to see you geting along in the day to day stuff! It is soooo true what u said about life being the same no matter where u are. I think that pretty much goes for most of us girls here too. I see you are definately getting around alot more now. Is communicating with the natives getting easier?
Well group misses you and we pray for you every week. I like to read your blog to make sure you've still got your chin up.. Many blessings to u and your family

Anonymous said...

oh yeah ps... I just finished reading this series by Stephanie meyer. I thought it was really good and has been made into a movie that is coming out in December. I remember u saying that u enjoyed reading.
The titles in order are Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. It involves a really really awesome love story!
Each book is about 700 pages so I figure it will do good to pass the time on your not so busy days.

Anonymous said...

Hey T, you are hilarious! I think you could be another Erma Bombeck. You do know who Erma Bombeck is ...... don't you T?!? I mean ..... I'm not really THAT old ...... am I T? Oh, well, even if I am ..... you're REALLY funny and I love and miss you. many hugs, gabrielle