Monday, August 18, 2008

Veddy Nice

Today I went to the Ophthalmologists at the American Hospital. It's a very nice hospital that looks more like a hotel, then a place where they have loads of sick people. I met with my doc in a very nice exam room and he proceeded to give me an eye exam... you know the drill.... 'This is one, this is two, which is better?' He was very soft-spoken, and he had very soft hands... he looked like my grandpa. THEN, the dreaded eye drops. There were three set of drops, all of which I hated. I can barely put them in my own eyes, let alone have someone else do them. The second set confused me, they were orange...and I had orange tears for 15 minutes... by that time I was already feeling like I was gonna pass out... then he said he had to dilate them, and the cold sweats began. Am I the only person in the world that passes out when I get my eyes dilated? I did all I could to prevent a full on collapse. He used to lowest dose and immediately after administration of the dreaded dilating drops, we were escorted to another room. Where I crashed (and I mean that literally) onto the sofa chair, while I mumbled for John to fan me with paper. John snickered at me, because he thinks it's all in my head... but c'mon, when you actually have the cold sweats and you feel like you are gonna lose your lunch... it's NOT in your head. I don't know why, but a few years back I passed out after having my eyes dilated. But it happened after the doc left me alone in the room, so I actually did fall out of my chair, and I suppose the memory of that has made it impossible for me to look forward to getting my eyes dilated. Anyhow, in ten minutes time, I was sensitive to light and they resumed testing me, finding no other issues then my astigmatism. The glasses I had just gotten done were too strong and they were giving me headaches and they made me feel like I was unbalanced. The old ones were not strong enough to correct the problem at all, so the new prescription should do the trick. In two more days, I will know for sure. Thank God for that. Then I can go back to driving, because let’s face it, John drives like he's racing and having a 4x4 doesn't help.... he takes the sandy corners like he's on a 4 wheeler. Fun for me, especially today after having almost passed out and with extra sensitive eyes. But at least I had temporary sunglasses. Don't you just love the funny granny glasses they give you? I looked fantastic!

We went to dinner on Friday with two other couples, or should I say one other couple and a guy who was trying to get the girl... We went to Sushi Sushi! It's in the 'Contemporary Village' right next to the 'Irish Village' right near the tennis courts where all the pros play, apparently. It was an interesting night, and the guy who was trying to get the girl was obnoxious enough to get the waiter to bring out a free plate of watermelon for the table. But that was all he got that night, the girl was able to shake him off good, taking her own taxi in the opposite direction! You Go Girl!

Tonight, we had Tex Mex at the Jumeriah Beach Hotel with friends and it was fantastic... pricy, but good. The service here is so different from the US. Refills, ordering, and getting your check brought out, requires 'flagging down' the wait staff. Whereas, they are always around to refold your napkins and take away plates you aren't done with. Usually they do this at the most inconvenient of moments. Your telling a great story, and just when you are about to share the hilarious part, they swoop in to refold your napkin or to remove your plate. Then you get too flustered, because you are trying to explain that you want the rest of the salsa for your main course, that you lose the punch line. This happened twice tonight... and about four times at Sushi Sushi. Then, when you actually want something, they are nowhere to be found. Amazing right?

So John's headed to Houston this week, and he is not as excited as I would be. Even though he may not see anyone he knows, he can have a good time, just shopping at Target for the nice list I've got ready for him. A friend of ours has even recommended him a few activities that he can do rain or shine. Yet, the long haul has given him his crabbiness for the last couple of days. He likes flying to new places, so Houston doesn't thrill him. However, it will be his first official flight, done with training... so at least he won't be so worried about being graded and what not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, its raining cats and dogs outside today!! Tropical Storm Fay is on her way up through florida right now.
Can we post slide shows on your page like in our comments??? Becky took a million pics at the birthday dinner last week and it would be great if we could post a slide show for you.