Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dragon Mart

I took to John to Dragon Mart yesturday. I've been once before, but I didn't see it all. So we took a ride out and explored the place front to back.

It's a GIANT indoor flea market,I think they said it was a kilometer long... maybe longer. All the whares are imported from China. This place has intricate corridors filled with goods from bath tubs to hand bags. They've got loads and loads of home goods and commercial items, tools and even ATVs. All kinds of electronics and business supplies, plants and building materials, clothes and party goods and hobby crafts... which was my whole reason for wnating to go in the first place. None the less, when you visit Dubai, it's a place you must see.

It's a little ovewhelming, but if you know the place, you can find what you are looking for and take it home for a good price. I was hoping that the 'haggling spirit' would still be alive there, but, it seems they have put the prices as low as they will go. I had to walk away three times because they just wouldn't budge. A little dicouraging... but I just don't htink I ought to pay more then I would if I was buying it at a regular shop. Isn't that the point of a flea market anyhow? Lots of things were cheap...but just not cheap enough for me.

The whole purpose of going yesturday was to find a massage table. We did come across one, but, the legs were jammed, and it was the last one they had in stock. The sales girl said more are on the way next week... so I will keep looking for a table until they come through with one. I have to stay in practice, I don't want to lose my touch, although I know I won't be able to actively massage for the rest of my life, but I hope to maintian my knowledge and teach one day. I think I would enjoy that a great deal.

So, even though we came home empty handed, we enjoyed the outing. We had a middle eastern wrap for lunch, and it was cheap... so we did get a good deal after all.

John's off to Glascow, Scottland, it just one night away, so I don't htink he will get to explore the area very much if at all. But I'm glad he will only be gone one night. We are thinking of going to the mountains this weekend. John's got 6 days off and we though we might like to explore Oman or the Masafi mountains. We'll post pictures of what ever our destination may be. I'm hoping to see lots of vegetation and maybe we'll come across some camels!

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