Friday, May 9, 2008

Our New Home

This is where we will be living, The Millenium Tower on Sheikh Zayed Road in Dubai. Lots of Contstruction going on behind it ... that's the Busines District. The move in date is currently slated for May 20 or 22nd. Hopefully, I will be there shortly after.

We expect that John Visa will be proccessed by next Thursday, and then they will issue my joining ticket. Because we were so aggressive in making sure we had all the paperwork completed before we went to Dubai, the whole proccess seems like it will go smoothly. Today I got our offically authenticated marriage certificate, which is quite impressive. John had a boat load of more paperwork and several HR briefings today... all of which were very encouraging. He scored in the 93rd percentile on all his tests, which is VERY good. He also had a chance to meet with his HR Manager, John was finally able to put a face with the name and he was happily received. Overall, the company is very busy, but yet it manages to juggle all aspects with an extreme amount of professionalism and no time is wasted (which is very refreshing). After a full day of HR briefs and medicals... they finally dropped John off around 7:30pm. He charged it pretty hard working out and sunning by the pool.. and of course a nap.. but he managed to get fed and make his call to me around midnight his time. As I hung up he was layed out on the bed...

He'll have two days off an then Sunday will begin training. Hopefully all his training will take place in Dubai. So far we have no reason to believe that it would be elsewhere. I am getting more excited everyday, and I can't wait to see everything for myself. And of course I can't wait to see John!

1 comment:

TEAMHendrickson said...

Teresa & John
I just barely know you Teresa through GROUP, but, I am so interested in this move you both are making. HOW EXCITING!

It amazes me how calm you seem. LOL! I love it!

I am praying for GOD to speed the VISA process for you and that you have a safe trip/move there.

I am praying that John's training goes smoothly and that he is well rested.

(T.E.A.M. Hendrickson
- Tina, Elizabeth, Albert & Megan)