Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The eagle has landed

John called on Skype from Dubai around 2pm today. He's very tired, but you can tell he is excited. He said the hotel where we will be staying is very nice, but he hasn't seen anything outside.. it was dark. Tomorrow he will be getting an adapter for his computer and probably a headset so that he can hear me when we talk on skype... for some reason he wasn't able to hear me, though I could hear him fine. Webcam was really handy and kind of funny...
Anyhow, we have a date to talk again tomorrow... hopefully he will acclimate to the time change quickly and get all the paperwork to get me over there done. I miss him terribly!

That's all for today! Hoepfully more good news will come our way by Thursday, when he goes to the induction class.

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