Monday, May 12, 2008


John had to get more immunizations today. So he's not feeling that great.. but it's to be expected. He had a full day of breifings, which explained many things from medical to retirement. The studying has also begun. He takes the JAA Air Law test on the 26th, which isn't easy. There are various books and manuals that he will have to read and understand, so he is already hunkered down doing that. There are many other things he has to do, but he will be too busy studying, and he can't wait til I'm there to help him out. I'll have many things to do as well, so I imagine the first few weeks there will be a lot of running about.

He is very impressed with the company overall. They are very prompt in getting things done, and that is something that always gets John's attention. I'm glad he is happy with the company... it would be very hard to live and work over there if he didn't.

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