Thursday, May 14, 2009

Clean Windows!

Every few days, the building manager will post sheets in all the lifts, which inform residents of different types of maintenance issues being carried out. For instance; we are going to replace T-joints in the apartments on Wednesday, or the fire extinguishers will need to be checked on Tuesday, and how about the one that says, the LIFTS will NOT be working on Thursday from 9am to 12pm...

You would think that clean windows are not that big of a deal. In fact, nine times out of ten I wouldn't care if they were clean or not... on the outside that is. BUT, since moving here, to a 45th floor apartment with windows that don't open, clean windows are a fantasy.

A few months ago, we had a notice that said: Please keep curtain drawn as the cleaners will be proceeding with exterior building cleaning. So the whole building rejoiced. WHY? I'll tell you why. The last cleaning was done one (1) year ago. and those who live on the lower floors have been waiting that very long year to be able to see out of their windows. Though our windows are not nearly as bad as those below us, I can understand the frustration.

Yesturday, I returned from picking up my afternoon charge and proceeded to the office to do some computer work. It wasn't until John came home that he pointed out our living room windows were spotless. I didn't believe it. I had to go see, and I was impressed. I ran to get my camera and this is the result of a year long wait for clean windows!

1 comment:

Gloria Furman said...

Nice view! So when are you going to feed us more of your awesome Tex/Mex and we can see this view in person? :-)