Friday, March 13, 2009

February Has Come and Gone...

I am sitting here on March 12th with John next to me and we are having a hard time remembering February. Sad I know... but true.

Let me take a look at my 'diary' (that's what they call the calendar here...Who thinks of this stuff?)

For the first week I have not marked anything of significance, which doesn't mean we didn't do anything.. it just means I didn't plan anything.

Come February 6th... that was the interesting part. I was temporarily assigned a job in helping with a conference at the Atlantis Hotel. It was a week of preparation, hosting, packing, creating, eating and chauffeuring. I made some great new friends from Australia and I even made a few great contacts here in Dubai as well. Working at the Atlantis gave me some insight to the difference between hotels here and in the US. It a great hotel, but after spending the week there, I've had enough. My new acquaintances have invited me to do more conferences with them in India and Australia and of course to work with them again next year in Dubai. It was a fascinating experience, but it was also very tiring! I was glad to have my days back at the end of it all.

Aside from celebrating our 9th wedding anniversary with a group trip to Global Village, and dinner cruise with friends, and John spending a lot of time working on his first MBA assignment, there was not much going on in February. We did plan our trip to Venice though... and I must say... I am looking forward to it!

A couple pics from February:

The Harpist in the bubble... She was entertainment one night at the conference.

The last night of the conference we had ladies perform the traditional 'hair dances'. Yes, it is strange.

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