Sunday, October 12, 2008

Photos of my trip to England

My apologies for the lack of commentary on these photos and my recent trip to England. I've been home just three days, and I haven't gotten the inspiration to write. But here are several things you must know...

There is no such thing as good bacon, unless it's the English bacon.
Clotted cream can be used as a bribe...
Americans weren't smart enough to come up with original names... we had to rip them off England, which is sad.
Street markets in England are extremely fun.
Brioche, it's not just bread... it's breakfast!
Trains are faster in England.
There's more history in one square mile of England then there is in my chldhood home town since its conception.
Everything is old, and cool.
My Auntie and Uncle are two of the most delightful people to spend 9 days with! They made my trip memorable, and educational!

1 comment:

gabrielle said...

Hey T! Thanks SO much for this posting and the photos. My paternal grandmother was from England and I very much want to get there one day. I'm told by my Massachusetts cousins, who have been there, that we do have realtives there. I hope very much to go meet them some day. At any rate, your photos reminded me to some extent of Munich, Germany when I attended school there. You made my day, honey! hugs, gabrielle