Thursday, October 30, 2008

Answers to your questions...

It occured to me tonight that you guys might have some questions about life in Dubai and that I've never given you a chance to ask them. So, if you do have a question, post it as a comment and I will answer it!

So the reason I have been prompted to do this, is because my mom has been getting the same question a lot and she finally asked me on behalf of the many who have asked her. The question is: Do we like Dubai?

Well, yes. We like Dubai. It's similar to living in a big city, but the people are different. Imagine living in NY or Chicago... those are very simliar to Dubai in the sence that you get people people from all over the states and from other parts of the world. Both of those cities can also be quite transient, like Dubai, but each big metropolis has it's own identity... and Duabi has a BIG personality, for being so 'new'. But I have to say that the one thing that has made Dubai home for us are all the friend we've accumulated to this point. Fridays, the day most everyone is off, has become a whirlwind of activity... often going from one thing to another to another and another. The weeks have been flying by. It seems very easy to spend lots of time in Dubai simply because of how fast paced it is... time moves fast even if traffic here doesn't!

It helps to leave Duabi now and then, to see other places and get out of the dessert. So being a pilot's wife helps and having the benefits makes it easy to take short trips. We have several planned in the coming year.

So, if you have a specific question about anything, go ahead and ask, I will do my very best to answer!


Anonymous said...

When are you coming home for a visit? Will we see you for the holidays?
Love u
Aunt Barbara

Real Name:Teresa, Should Have Been Named: Night Owl. said...

We will be coming home very soon! November 12th through Dec 2nd. I'm so excited!

Unfortunately, we are going to be spending Christmas here in Dubai. John has a reserve schedule in December so we cannot be far from home. So although you won't see us for the major holiday season, we will be around before things actually get too busy!

We are looking forward to seeing everyone! Perhaps a family gt to gether is in order?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps we should plan another BAR-B-QUE, but this time we should have open pit fires to keep us warm! is cold here...yep, it's under 70!

It would really be nice for us all to get together once again...let's all think about it!

See you soon
Auntie A

Real Name:Teresa, Should Have Been Named: Night Owl. said...

Sounds like a GREAT idea! Now just to figure out when and where. Maybe we can do and extended thanksgiving... with Pizza! Let's talk soon!