Monday, September 15, 2008

Half Way

So we are half way through Ramadan, and not too much is going on. It's a difficult task to go out during the day since you can't drink anything in public. But thankfully the temperature is starting to go down a bit. But, then on a day like today you wouldn't feel 'cool' when you go outside, it's 99 degrees. John's trip takes him to Malaysia this week, a new destination for him. Hoepfully, he will have some good pictures to post when he gets back.

We are going to be attending an Iftar Tent at the Jumiera Beach Hotel toward the end of the month and I hope to give a first hand telling of our experience. But until then, I can't say that there is much planned. The good part of being in Ramadan is that everything is quiet and incidentally it's also the bad part. Shops are much quieter, but for some reason the grocery store can't keep enough food on the shelf. More then once, I've had to try two shops to get milk.

I've rearranged our apartment once again. When you have as much time on your hands as I have, you get bored easily. But the set up we have no makes it a lot easier to 'live' in the living room! I suppose that makes for a boring blog, but as the saying goes, no news is good news.

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