Sunday, August 3, 2008

A New Old Love

John bought a bicycle a couple of weeks ago. He got all the basics needed to start road cycling with a huge group that leaves every Friday morning from a local supermarket. They have three riding groups 50K, 75K and 100K. John's riding in the 75K group for now, until he builds his stamina up again. It's been a long while since he has ridden with a group. The Dubai Roadsters boast at least 115 riders at each meeting... which means they have at least one chase vehicle. They leave around 5:30am every Friday. He gets home around 8:30 which leaves him just enough time to eat and make ready for church. So John, is back in action.

He's almost entirely done with training. He has a line check coming up, but I think he is doing really well. It's challenging and requires much more study then US flying. He always got books out and charts and is constantly making notes. He has pretty much taken command of the office. So I find myself propped up on the couch with my laptop most of the time.

I picked up my glasses today. So now it's going to take afew days to adjust. I had a terrible time getting home from the mall tonight because I couldn't wear them just yet. I coudn't read the signs until it was too late and I missed a bunch of turns. I'll have to have John drive for the next few days till I get used to it. I don't want to cause any accidents!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey you, Are you sure it's the glasses and not being able the read the signs or is someone just not good with her directions. haha hope all is well with you guys. Sounds like things are getting a little more normal. Take care. Michele