Saturday, May 31, 2008

Final Countdown

Well, it's the last day for me here in the US, and it's been pretty quiet. I have all my final packing and preparations to make as well as final goodbyes. I leave quite early tomorrow, so the only people I will see after tonight will be my parents. I apologize if I didn't get to personally say goodbye to you, but if you are local and wish to come by, please do so.

John has moved into the apartment, and is semi settled in. He has slept both nights on the couch so far and the fridge has only diet coke and sushi in it. He is anticipating my arrival and I'm excited to finally be on my way. Unfortunately, we only have dial up internet access for right now, so talking has been difficult. We've been able to manage a decent instant message conversation at the very least. Once I get there I will be able to arrange better internet access.

Also, I have been told that many of you have wished to leave comments on the blog, but do not want to go through the sign up proccess... this is okay. If you would like to write anything, just pop it in an email ( I check it everyday! I also have a myspace, if you would like to be my friend, please add me at your convienence. Use the same email address to look me up.

I'm siging off for now, but I will be in touch as soon as I get settled in. keep your eye out for post over the next week!

Love you to all!


1 comment:

gabrielle said...

Hi T! Just wanted to send you another hug before I retire for the night. After a nice warm bath Anthony fell asleep on the couch watching a hockey game while I was ironing his clothes for church tomorrow. So that's why he didn't call you. I'm sure he'll be bummed out when he remembers tomorrow but I'm sure you'll be hearing from him and the whole family soon. We love you, T. hugs and love, gabrielle